Self Portrait of an Overthinker

Esther S.

Watercolor and ink

  • I'm an overthinker, someone who worries a lot about mundane things and constantly comes up with all kinds of theories. This illustration is a glimpse of the inside of my head when I aim to phrase a comment with the right inflection, deliberate over the best way to display 5 photos on a square paper, or chew over how to cross my leg--right leg over the left or left leg over the right. The intricate clutter of haphazardly constructed buildings reflects this bustling mental energy, like a dozen half-formed conclusions branching from one idea.

  • Creativity is having the ability to understand the basis of what everything does, is made of, and the purpose it serves. You can use this understanding of things to rearrange and re-represent things in a new light, so they serve their purpose better or tell people a new story.


Native Beaded Walking Stick

