
Vanshika B.

Colored pencils

  • As human beings, we all go back to where we started. Depending on your religion, we are given back to the Earth through the ocean, which is represented by the cloth, or soil, which is represented by the flowers. This piece is to show the circle of life and death, Samsara. Samsara is a term used in Hinduism to depict reincarnation. After death, a human is known to be reborn with the same soul, but in a different body. This piece shows a twist of a classic still life image, which I clicked. Instead of going along with traditional black/white or the colors represented in the picture, I chose to tint the entire piece with the color blue. Because blue had an interconnection with the emotion of sadness, and so does death, I thought that this would a great way to enhance a still life piece into something a little more creative.

  • Creativity means to be free of all thought whatsoever. It means touching a pen on a piece of paper and letting your hand take over instead of your brain. Creativity is a form of escape from real life that nothing else could ever give me.


Self Portrait of an Overthinker


Second Semester