Self Portrait

Evani S.

Mixed Media (Acrylic on Canvas and Digital)

  • For this work, I took inspiration from Frida Kahlo's self portraits, specifically her work titled “Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird”. I like the composition and connections with nature and culture often found in her work. In some ways, we are a lot alike because we both feel torn apart by our biracial heritage, in my case, Indian and German. In my self portrait, I wanted to incorporate my love for the vibrancy of nature with my deep connection to my Indian culture. I painted two animals at my side that are commonly found in West Bengal, India (the place my family is from) which includes the Bengal tiger and the green parrot. The foliage in the background is also native to West Bengal. I painted myself wearing a sari with the traditional Bengali pattern called kahntha stitch. My German connection in my self portrait is apparent from my light skin color which is often the first trait that people see. Even though I am torn about how people perceive me, I am equally proud of my Indian and German heritage.

  • Creativity helps me have fun and destress while inspiring others.


Self Portrait at Age 17

