Red, White, Blue, It's New

Michelle T.

Graphite, Watercolor

  • I wanted to do some sort of representation of American Patriotism, but with how diverse our communities are these days, I decided instead of doing the typical American family, I would do a family of immigrants, representing the many families who move to America everyday, and who are new to the culture and community of America. Throughout making this piece, I tried my best to make sure to incorporate every detail, small or big, as they all contribute to the meaning and feeling behind this piece. From the wrinkly clothes, the bright colors of red, white, and blue, the mother's excited expression, to the hands holding the American flag, these all help bring the painting to life, and to let the viewer notice the hint of admiration this family has towards the parade going on, with also their dedication to a new community that they are now a part of.

  • Creativity for me means taking what I see throughout my everyday life and grabbing the hidden details and symbols in everyday objects and people that may not stand out at first, but then as a artist I paint them out bolder in my art to bring up those hidden meanings.




A Roller Coaster of Light