
CONTENT WARNING: This artwork contains or explores content that touches on any of the following topics: abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, verbal); aspects of psychology and mental health and contains depictions of self-harm, substance abuse, eating disorders, or suicide; swears or curses; hurtful or hateful language; discrimination (race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation); aspects of pregnancy; blood, violence, assault, kidnapping, trauma, or dying. Please read or view with care.


MacKenzie R.


  • Red is a piece about the hyper feminization and over sexualization of teenage girls in modern society. Utilizing a digital format with composition similar to that of comics and graphic novels I illustrate the dehumanizing emotions most teenage girls and young women experience.

  • To me creativity is the foundation of action. The create something you must act upon it, actions often speak louder than words and with creativity as a forefront many important actions will be taken in the world.


Self Portrait Expression

