
CONTENT WARNING: This artwork contains or explores content that touches on any of the following topics: abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, verbal); aspects of psychology and mental health and contains depictions of self-harm, substance abuse, eating disorders, or suicide; swears or curses; hurtful or hateful language; discrimination (race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, sexual orientation); aspects of pregnancy; blood, violence, assault, kidnapping, trauma, or dying. Please read or view with care.


Myldret V.B.

Watercolor on watercolor paper, oil pastel

  • This piece began when I was working towards depicting emotional deterioration through external processes. I began planning by creating small sketches with little detail to find what composition and design I would use. Once decided what the symmetry of my painting would be like, reference photos of myself hanging off a stage were taken with assistance of a friend. Once the photos necessary were taken, a sketch of what the painting would look like was created in a sketchbook and then sketched with watercolor pencil on watercolor paper. As I began to sketch I realized that my painting did not have enough depth and was boring. After thinking I decided to add vines to portray a sense of constriction and of organic processes taking over. Eventually the meaning shifted into being about destructive emotions and relationships. The plant constricting the body was ivy which is a very common invasive plant, similar to how destructive situations are very common. Once the main focus was complete it was difficult to decide what to use for the background, the original idea was to use decelularized ivy leaves with watercolor, however that subtracted from the main focus, therefore dirt became the background as it showed more contrast.

  • To me creativity is the ability to alter one's perception of the tangible in order to represent or create things that were previously only concepts or ideas.



