Ranch 99

Carmen L.

Acrylic on canvas

  • This art piece is an acrylic painting on canvas. It is actually inspired by a photograph I took while in Ranch 99 during the summer, with my younger sister and cousins. My cousins had finally come back down from their first year of college and after a year of not seeing them, we all, funny enough, went immediately to go buy snacks for all of us. I decided to do a painting of this image due to the nostalgia it gives me. I was always super close with my cousins though we talked less during their time in college and my first year of highschool core memories I always had with them always involved snacks. All four of us could actually finish a whole bag of chips in a 15 minute car ride, which always amazed my mom. One of my cousins was a really big snacker and coincidentally enough one of her favorites were choco pies. My mom was also always buying snacks for us. Food was weirdly enough, kind of our thing. I remember being extremely happy taking this picture, which again was my inspiration to do this painting.

  • Creativity means a lot of things, but to me it means being able to express yourself and you ideas in any type of way you want.


A Roller Coaster of Light


Product of My Environment