Pursuit of Pursuit of Purpose

Lucas F.

Wire, Paper Clay, Cork, Match Sticks, Cardboard, Mushroom, Rocks, Paint Paper, Assorted Plants,

  • Going into this I didn't have much of a reason behind my artwork. As I made it I threw things together, ideas, words, elements, and objects. All the things I put into my work was an attempt to find puspose in it's creation. Ultimately, I found it. In searching for purpose I made the pursuer of purpose. My creation wanderes, searhing for something to give it definition in life, without realizing that the definition, the purpose, is shown in who it is. It leaves a history in it's searching, and picks up things along the way. Moss, wood, wire, and art. The memories of it's search are etched upon the cube that it carries. In it's search for purpose it creates it's purpose, to pursue. I pursued purpose, and created one who does the same.

  • Creativity is multipurpose. It's being able to find multiple ideas or purposes in one thing. Applying those ideas and purposes is part of creativity, but finding them, thats creativity.


Ransom Money


Preserving Remains