Prevail Over

Dream C.

Digital art

  • This art piece represents coming out of an abusive relationship broken and hurt but still trying to view yourself as graceful and beautiful as you can while being visibly and mentally torn down, having the person push you into positions that you didn’t want to be in figuratively and literally. I purposely chose not to color the artwork for the sole purpose of letting those of all kinds of abusive relationships be able to fill in those blanks of “color” and for them to be able to look at the artwork and see themselves and imagine themselves finally prevailing over and breaking free from the “puppeteer” the most important thing to me, when I make art, is to allow for everyone of all paths of life to be seen and heard.

  • Being opens minded to all ideas and letting them flow out of you to express them whether that be writing, painting, singing or even simple conversations creativity is one of the most fluid things out there


Product of My Environment

