Pistol Star the Wizard

Ford C.

Pencil and Fountain Pen

  • I play a lot of Dungeons & Dragons and other table-top roleplaying games, and this year I finally made my own game, I'd been thinking about it for a while. In my new game world, wizards are incredibly powerful and almost wholly evil. My wizards are wild and eccentric, so they're very fun to draw. I've drawn a lot of wizards, but this one if my favorite. They are named after my most favorite real-life star. Pistol Star is the largest and most massive hyper-giant star in the milky way, and glows bright blue. In my game world, this wizard was fascinated by the star's beauty and meditated on its image. After much practice, they could maintain absolute focus on that image for an extremely long period of time, without letting any other thoughts enter their mind. In doing this, their consciousness was elevated to a higher plane of existence, granting them nigh-omnipotence over the mundane world.

  • Creativity is when I leave the world behind and travel to worlds of my own creation.


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