Perpetual Beauty

Sophia D.

Marker and colored pencil

  • I have always felt a longing for the depths of the ocean. It is a place where the harsh lights of the world fade into soft streaks of warmth, where the constant noise of everyday life is replaced by the soft mutter of the waves. If there is any word that describes the ocean best, it is “peace”. I believe that everyone deserves to experience this surreal peace at least once in their lives, and I want to be the one to convey it. Because I find it hard to talk to others, let alone express one of my most personal feelings, I instead opted to show them through this piece. I used colors that were easy on the eyes for the waves to bring the viewer calmness similar to that which I experience in the water, and then used bright colors for the mermaid to make her pop from the rest of the art. I also wanted to show how the sun that burns our eyes seems to be so small once under the water by letting the mermaid hold it in her hands.

  • Creativity, to me, is the ability to look at something beyond its literal meaning and to represent it in a way that isn’t superficial.


Pistol Star the Wizard


A Fool!