
Max B.

Driftwood, Alabaster

  • The entire process of creating this piece felt extremely meditative and valuable. The hours of methodically tapping with my chisels on the stone, the long hikes to find the perfect piece of wood, the time spent carefully sanding. The experience of creating this very abstract portrait of myself added so many hours of thought into my life. I often feel growing up in this modern age there is no time to think, I am constantly flooded with media, advertisements, and useless distractions that all keep me in a state of confusion and profound feeling of being overwhelmed. There is a climate of instant gratification that comes with all things and I often feel entitled to these instant results, even within my art I often times get frustrated and impatient and simply throw paint on something or quickly make something without putting much time and thought into it, that's why carving stone fully by hand felt like such a daunting task. The slow paced nature of this self portrait and every tap with my chisel gave me valuable time to think and form new ideas that I otherwise would not have been fostered. This helped me be far more intentional with what I was doing and why I was doing it.

  • For me creativity is following your intuition as an artist and person. It is a way of processing the magnificently strong feelings I have about the world around me and the whirlwind of emotions of my observations of the human experience.


One with Nature

