Old Wine

Noah S.


  • This is a sketch of a picture taken of my grandparents during a family trip. Their displays of affection towards each other are rare, so I wanted to capture the emotions and thoughts running through my head upon seeing a snapshot of this moment. I felt a little jealous. It got me wondering about how I could find love that would last as long as theirs. It got me wondering about how they truly feel about each other. Is the love between them still burning with passion as much as when they first married? The contrasting methods of outlining my grandparents is meant to evoke this sense of uncertainty. My grandmother’s form is explicitly outlined with aggressive gestures, while my grandfather’s form is dictated by the environment around him. The friction between these two forms separates them on different planes, yet the affectionate kiss draws them together. The messy nature of the sketch, torn edges of the paper, and cardboard background is also meant to highlight themes of erosion and the passing of time. Thus, my grandparent’s ability to find a moment of happiness despite their disagreements and despite all the tumultuous, difficult days they have endured together demonstrates the resilience of love.

  • It means being able to convey a story without spoon-feeding the details, allowing the audience to fill in the holes with their own experiences. It's tricking the audience to feel or think in a certain way.


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