Old Furniture

Leo O.B.

arylic paint and oil pastel on canvas

  • This is a piece of furniture basically drawn from my memory. It is what I can recall from my grandmothers house growing up, and I haven't been back there in over 8 years, so having this piece makes me feel like I have a piece of that and of her with me. I remember she had a stereo that we only used a few times, and there were porcelain animals that she loved to collect to decorate the house with, which explains the frog and the cow. The portrait shown is inspired by one she had in her house of her and my grandpa. The pieces of cloth shown over the stereo and under the vase of flowers, are the type of art my grandma likes to make she always will have some sort of yarn in her hand, so I wanted to represnt that as well. The background is simply pink because of my other grandma's house being that color, so certain shades of pink are very comforting due to that I wanted to incorporate that feeling as well.

  • Creativity to me is the freedom to express however I feel. I think it is also a way to make the world a little more interesting than it otherwise would be. I think possessing creativity is part of what makes us human and something that we need to sustain us.


On the Shoulder of Youth


Off With Her Head