No Safe Haven

Claire J.

Color pencil, watercolor

  • I started out with trying to practice more of my color pencil skills in being able to show different shadows coming in from various angles. Since I found the piece to have turned out pretty good, I decided to add a background. All expressions and drawings need to have a whole story behind it, especially mine. After a long thought process and looking through lots of inspiration, an idea finally came to me while watching the news. Nowadays, Palestian people are trapped with "no safe haven" to be. Really trying to convey the message of the setting they have to live in right now, I drew a picture where everything wasn't as perfect. I mainly drew this piece while thinking of all the fears the Palestine people could all be feeling right now with violence being everyhwere they turn.

  • To me, creativtiy is just antoher fun excaping expreinece to express myself. It is a silent way of telling the world the thoughts swimming through my mind. Whenever I draw, I feel free to do whatever I want even when it looks nothing like the image I had in mind.


