Mother Earth

Stephania L.

Digital Art

  • Nature has always been an inspiration for my artwork, but this time, I wanted to personify her. I immediately thought about the concept of Mother Nature and a graceful, emotional pose that viewers could connect to better. In the image, I show Mother Nature creating and interacting with her surroundings. She creates the night sky as her black hair sweeps across the piece and she holds up mountains delicately like a dress as she blends into the lake that she is one with. The red of her dress complements the vibrant green hills and the purple in the lake softens the blend between the complementary components. In her vulnerability, I wanted to symbolize human vulnerability and convey that just like people, nature is vulnerable too. The artwork is made in a way that the Mother Nature is at a balance between human and Goddess. She is not above all the hardships that comes with life, after all she experiences it all too.

  • To me, creativity is an outlet where I can more effectively express my thoughts and feelings that may be difficult to convey in person. It also is a hobby that brings me satisfaction and joy and a community where I can just be myself.


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