
Jorge C.G.


  • This piece captures the New Year's Eve. My dad took me and my siblings to meet the rest of my family in his hometown. During New Year's Eve I got to experience and see important traditions such as seeing my aunts running on the street with a suitcase, while seeing my cousins hit the piñata while I waited for my turn. All of that while fireworks were Illuminating the sky as if it were daytime. Mexico is often described as a surrealistic country, and from my experience that's legit, I tried to capture how surrealistic this moment was by adding floating piñatas and using saturated colors. That New Year's Eve was the last one I spent in Mexico and it's one of the moments I cherish the most when I feel homesick. The title "Metamorphosis" is a reference to the way everything can change in a year; that was the last time I spent time with my family since I moved to the U.S.

  • Creativity is the quality I appreciate the most from other people and for myself. Art it's the way I connect and understands other's peoples perspectives but also a way to be in a self-discovery journey of myself like my culture while I make art.


Mother Earth

