Morning Routine

Audrey T.

  • I remember that when I was very young, I loved to experiment with using stop motion to animate my toys, but this claymation is my first real stop-motion project. I completed this short video in one weekend during September of 2023. My inspiration comes from an exploration of feminine rituals, of which this one relates to self-perception. My goal was to create a quiet, solitary, relatable, scene of a woman putting on her makeup in the morning, with music playing from another room. She is peaceful, but face is meant to distort throughout the film to illustrate how we don’t often have a clear idea of ourselves. The exhaling at the end symbolizes the embracing of makeup and other feminine rituals as liberating rather than constraining.

  • I am a scavenger; I find the sacred within the ordinary. I listen, I mine, and I create an honest reflection of my world. I look towards the future with excitement that I can be a part of the next generation of storytellers, creating new mythologies for the future.




Jack Lantern