Lost in Time

Josh K.

  • The curved and angular look to the photo is complemented by the shadow shrouding both the character and the background but being shown on by light. I feel as the artist of this work that the fact that the top half of the face is not visible adds to the complexity of the image as it makes the character ambiguous. What do they look like, what do their eyes look like, why does their expression look so empty, and what are they doing with the clock. To me the image feels like a way to state: there is not enough time to do everything and we do not know how much time we have left which is why the clock casts a shadow on the eyes, we do not know what is ahead in our time here on earth so when we worry about time all we can do is push through it; in this case it is in a solemn mood, and though there is a light behind them they will not look back towards the light; the positives in life; this is why their face is in such a position and mood, overall this represents that: when we worry about how much time we have for something or how much time we have left to do things and live, we muddy and obscure all of the positives in life, no matter who you are.

  • To me Creativity is a way to perceive the world to create beauty where there is emptiness. Filling the void on the so called canvas or in my case filling the frame. The world is filled with beauty but when we sharpen our view it can become even more so.


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