
Asher B.S.

  • Capturing the essence of a rainy night is an art form that extends beyond mere visuals; it delves into the realms of irony and symbolism. The umbrella, an emblem of protection, stands against the vulnerability of a fire hydrant, a guardian of safety. This mirrors life's elements where security and risk coexist. The reflection of lights on the rain-slicked pavement unveils a subtle, almost cinematic drama. This underscores the irony of seeking clarity in life's uncertainties. The composition unfolds a narrative of contradictions: the sheltering umbrella against the water the fire hydrant produces.

  • To me, Creativity means doing something in a way others wouldn't expect. In doing so creativity should also make you see the world in a different way.


Time Moves on


The Mist Trail: A Familiar Place in a New Way