Houndstooth Angels

Jalen B.

  • My process of creating photos like this one almost never start with the intent to create a specific image, I like to let the environment dictate my creative process, because I feel that a lot of the beauty in photography comes from capturing pre existing beauty in a creative fashion. For this image I attended the SF Fleet week airshow with the intention of getting some shots of the Blue angels from above, but the photos I took that I loved the most ended up being the shots I took from below. I find going into a shoot with no intention beyond creative experimentation is when I do my best work. This shot was an opportunity to experiment with silhouettes, something I did not have a lot of experience with. While I did love some of those shots I got from above the show, a combination of heat blur and fog, a bizarre combination only possible with the bizarre geography of the San Francisco bay, made that more difficult. I find myself feeling much more free and in 'the zone' when I allow myself to Experiment freely

  • creativity is humanity, it is the literal expression of conscious freedom and I feel it is a key aspect of the beauty that is Humanity.


Serenity Stroll


Unknown Doorway