
Miranda W.

Colored pencils, purple crayon, graphite, watercolor, white & black gel pen, black micro pen.

  • To me, this piece represents the joy of being a fan of something. The joy of having something in common with others because you love an artist, or a tv show, or a band. A lot of the time being a "fangirl" comes with negative connotations, but in my experience, it's given me some of my closest friends and my greatest memories. Recently in my artwork I've been experimenting with making my own binder paper with printer paper and colored pencil, writing my feelings on it, and then collaging it into my artwork as seen here. I've used this detail to represent the experience of writing in diaries that has stayed constant since I was a little girl, and show more of a personal side to my pieces. To make the composition more interesting to the eye, I collaged texts made of watercolor, colored pencil, and gel pen, on top of the figure and diary writing, and since my friends are always the first to text me about anything related to our favorite artists, bands or tv shows.

  • Creativity is the idea of trying anything and everything. It's experimenting and making. Creativity allows me to explore my thoughts and feelings into tangible creations.


Figure Stretching in Three Aspects

