
Alex C.

Cardboard, Watercolor, Glue, Pencil, Pen

  • Since I had such a strong concept in the beginning, I found little difficulty in conveying multiple correct ways to display this piece. I drew inspiration from “The Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo and took concepts from there as further inspiration. One side features a human hand and plants with simple patterns, organic shapes and a rising sun, while the other side has a robot hand, complex designs, and inorganic shapes like triangles and squares to further push the artificial themes. Depending on which way the project is displayed, one would see a human hand reaching down to a robotic hand, which could symbolize the advancement of technology and how human intelligence has developed so far it’s paving the way for artificial intelligence. If you flip it, you’ll see the robot hand above the human hand. This could mean artificial intelligence is helping humanity solve the problems it itself has caused. It could also be interpreted as artificial intelligence letting go of humanity to ascend past it, as AI has gotten out of control and is now superior to humanity. Alternatively, one with an optimistic lens might see it as a representation of the link between the past and future, and how humanity must acknowledge both in order to build a better world. I feel most successful in how I layered the cardboard pieces to convey a sense of depth, and to have accurately created a piece that has multiple orientations and multiple interpretations based on how it's perceived.

  • Creativity to me is a means of developing my imagination. I think of tons of little stories in my head, and a being able to draw what's on my mind is such a valuable skill and gift I'm proud to know I can accurately depict my thoughts on paper.


The Blindside


The American ‘20s-50’s in the Style of a Movie Poster