Don't Need Nobody

Elise C.

  • I chose this song to choreograph a contemporary dance to because it speaks to and resonates with me. The song, appropriately titled, “Don’t Need Nobody,” embodies the idea that you can be independent and stand on your own. You do not need another person to rely on, even if you have self-doubts. This is illustrated through such moving lyrics as, “doing it all for love,” which, as the dance progresses, the song lyrics change to express, “Don’t need nobody,” indicating that they have realized their own self-worth and also come to realize just how powerful they are as an individual. While I believe these are lyrics that anyone can relate to, regardless of their age or background, I feel they are particularly meaningful lyrics for teens to hear and embrace. As I choreographed and performed the dance, my overriding goal was to convey to my audience my love of dance and to help them discover the magical ways in which dance can transport you and allow you to express your emotions and creative side that you otherwise might not have a vehicle for expressing. I loved being able to draw the audience away from their everyday lives and allow them to experience alongside me the transformative nature of this dance.

  • To me, dance is the epitome of creativity. Dance allows me to put emotions into every move and make it “me” when I choreograph and perform. It is liberating, as though nothing in the world matters but dance, as I draw my audience into the transformative nature of dance.


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Attack of the AI