Diet: Growth

Mimi M.

Watercolor, acrylic paint, tracing paper/cellophane, ink, on bristol board.

  • Like the spaces we live in today, we are products of biology and human ideation. In part, I wanted to mirror the relationship between nature and industry to the relationship between our past and future selves: are we parasites to our own past bodies, or are we the logical progression of environments, communities, needs, and desires? I used the size and sheerness of the cellophane to balance the compact and colorful acrylic/watercolor base: allowing the viewer to fluidly skew what appears forefront to the piece at a given time, allowing the diverging ideas of the piece to be seen.

  • Creativity to me is the ability to draw from complex and clashing experiences, ideas, thoughts, and feelings, and make them tangible. Stretching the boundaries through concept synthesis and expression, or by bending, breaking, and combining mediums. Creativity, I find, is invariably linked to play and exploration.


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