Carry You

Alexis C.

  • This piece was choreographed to the song “Carry You” by my dance coach, Angela Holmes. It is a contemporary solo that draws upon modern and ballet techniques. Carry You is a story about helping someone through a difficult time. I imagine feeling fearful, pained, and desperate for them, and eventually that these feelings will turn to hope and admiration as they overcome their struggles. As a dancer, I love paying attention to details; I watch each line, see each beat, refining the dynamics. However, the most challenging and rewarding part of this piece has been spinning the choreography into a story of my own. I think pain and fear are universal, and though it’s difficult to experience or see someone undergo, there is beauty in this shared struggle. Onstage, I can’t proof-read beforehand—I have to trust myself and be vulnerable. To me, this risk is always worth taking for the opportunity to express myself to the fullest; something only dance has allowed me to do. Carry You is a piece that has challenged my artistry, technique, and I am proud of the work I’ve put into this dance. I hope this piece touches you.

  • Creativity is joy. Dance is about more than mastering each move; a piece should evoke a sense of awe, touching emotions of the audience—this is artistry. Each performance, each breath and step taken is a living, breathing, piece of art. Creativity is freeing, empowering, letting us experience wonder and passion.


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