Blur of Loneliness

Xiomara B.

Soft Pastel

  • The theme for my portfolio was a “blur,” and I forced myself to create a self-portrait of myself in soft pastels. Drawing myself up close and personal was completely out of my comfort zone. The three colors I chose to encapsulate the drawings were blue, black, and pink because I wanted to evoke nostalgia through a dreamlike color palette. The self-portrait was me sitting in a subway, looking down, and through the window, the weather was gloomy and grey. Something that caught me during the process of drawing the details of my face, my hair, and my glasses is that I enjoyed it. It felt intimate to see myself in my art because I always spend so much time making portraits of other people, but never myself. I loved mixing the colors of the soft pastel with my finger and using all the things I learned about color theory. I added little blue and pink speckles in the reflection of my glasses, which a lot of my classmates picked up on. Now I have this piece hung up in my room, where I sometimes look up at it to remind myself that I am the artist who creates the art, I shouldn’t feel ashamed to find myself as my muse, so I’ll include myself in my art. It doesn’t matter if art becomes my career, creating will forever be my passion.

  • Creativity to me means not only a passion but a coping mechanism through the bitterness of life. It's not about finding a destination, but creating who you are through the process of creativity.


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