Weasels; Or A Mildly Unusual Fashion Plate
Sala D.
For me, art has always gone beyond any one medium or theme. More than anything, art is freedom. Art is so often filled with the expectations of others – and so, I’ve worked to create art for myself. I indulge in the act of creating, regardless of the end results; art based on process, not product.
I am drawn to the abstract and to the fantastical when I make art, because for me, art is joy. Art is healing. Art is an escape. I grew up in a creative household; my family is filled with artists, and my earliest memories are wandering the halls of art museums. When I was a toddler, my mother says, I vandalized the couch. It was tan, and I had an affinity for sharpies. Next thing she knew? Scribbles up and down the back that she never could quite get out. As far as I knew, couches, walls, the exterior of the house – they were all fair game for my artistic exploration. The world was my canvas! Art has felt like home since I had enough fine motor skills to hold a pencil.
I make art for myself, to make myself smile. Art an endlessly rewarding lens with which I get to experience this wonderful planet, one which reminds me that anything that brings me joy is worth doing.
Art, to me, is joy. It's where I retreat on hard days -- Art is an escape, art provides control. My arms are sprawled with ink, notes and designs and little drawings that make me smile. it feels like a little piece of the universe that’s just mine to explore. Doing art is how I show myself love.