Watching Nature

Iban M.

  • I was assigned to make an art piece of a landscape and what I did was make a mountain range where some of them had faces that depicted different emotions. They are all reacting to the empty swing set that lies in front them. There are also two spirit like heads that are observing this interaction and have two different reactions. Each head represents different things- the one with longer hair is in the light, they are joyful and is looking at the beauty of this interaction and the landscape. The other, is down in the dark and has a cheerless and bored expression because they don't see the point of looking at this scene.

    Title: "Watching Nature"

    Medium: Linoleum

  • Being able to express myself through art or explore new techniques impacts me in a positive way because it also allows me to be brave enough to try new things in my daily life or just have a more open mind and try things different ways.


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Adventure & Beyond