Waiting for Nothing

Eli J.B.

  • My collective pieces of art all explore the idea of time passing. Included in this portfolio are photos of people holding pictures of their younger selves, a diptych of night and day, and photos of motion blur juxtaposed with still life. Each image shows the passage of time in different ways and with that, they each evoke different feelings. The three images of people holding framed photos of themselves is meant to make the audience take a step back and see how much these teenagers have changed in nearly 12 years. With that, these images force a self reflection and suggest looking back on yourself and how you have changed, both physically and mentally over time. While that image is open to interpretation, my diptych presents the passage of time in a more obvious way. The main subject is the changing from day to night, however noticing the change in activity on the field is also an important note. It shows how the changing of time affects human activity and how we change from one thing to another over time. Whether it be a change over years like my first set of images, or just hours like this diptych, they all exemplify the same thing. My next images represent the passage of time over simply a fraction of a second. The motion displayed in the cars driving by, for example, closely follows the same theme because you cannot have movement without a progression of time. When juxtaposed with a person standing completely still, it creates an in depth immersion into the photo. The contrast between the fast motion of the cars, with the frozenness of the man creates a sense that you are in the scene with him. Furthermore, all these prints were created using black and white film, one of the oldest methods of photography. It gives a nod to how far photography has progressed since the first daguerreotype in 1839. The timelessness of black and white film was the driving factor that led me to using it as the medium for my project.

  • Making art in photography has given me an escape from my drab daily schedule. It gives me a chance to explore myself without my close friends and family watching over.


Angry Feminist


Maya Angelou