The Artists Jungle

Rex F.

  • Photography is odd. Once you start getting into it, you begin to realize that everything looks like a photo. It's a cheesy phrase, but being ""bit by the shutterbug"" is a great way to describe this phenomenon. Because one's brain can be influenced to see potential photos everywhere, they will most likely be much more compelled to take photos. That is how I feel during my artistic process. If everything looks like a photo, why not take photos of everything? Even the most mildly interesting subject is worth taking a photo of, in my opinion.

    This particular photo was taken in Los Angeles. All of the photographic elements in L.A. can make for some interesting photos, and I wasn't about to let them pass me by. At the time I took it, I didn't know that I would like the photo as much as I do. Something about all of the detail and little things in the photo drew me in, and I came to appreciate it more.

  • Putting my efforts into creative endeavors has truly changed my life. The feeling of taking a great picture, finishing an art piece I'm proud of, or finally seeing a film project come to fruition is indescribable. It's why I keep wanting to learn more about art, and see myself grow as a creator.




A Beach's Merit