
Penelope L.

  • I enjoy working with 35mm film as a photography medium and leaving the result untouched and unedited. I like to explore the eeriness and texture film provides in evoking mystery.

    My work represents this feeling of wanting to escape the melancholia that infects regular life. A feeling of being alone and rejected by the world; and waiting for an escape. It is something many experience especially as a child or teenager when you still believe there will be an end. So you longingly wait for the tide to finally turn, and in this one, brief moment, you still have hope. The girl is looking unto the water symbolizing her yearning desire for a utopic of her future. However, she is still stuck standing on a rock, not swimming into her fantasy, simply admiring from afar how perfect of a life it would be.

  • Exploring and expressing my creativity provides an outlet for my thoughts. It changes the way I perceive the world around me and subconsciously influences me to appreciate the small, yet beautiful moments in my everyday life; when I take out my camera to capture a single snapshot of my experience.


Into The Unknown


panic attack