
Lea G.

  • I'm Lea and this is my photography journey. In 5th grade remember begging my parents for a phone, they thought I wanted it so I could be included in social media apps, but they were wrong. I liked the small device to capture little moments I saw through photography. One Christmas my cousin gave me his old iPod touch. I was so excited. The first thing I did was bring it to his soccer game. I didn't really care for music or Snapchat I just wanted to photograph the little blue beetle stuck in the carpet of the car floor. I remember taking that photo and thinking how cool it was I had just captured something like that. So I stepped out of the car and got low to the ground and took a photo of the grass. In aw, I knew that this was something I had a passion for. Every outing my family went on I would always take their phones to get cool shots of plants, flowers, etc. Ever since then, I have kept that passion of loving photography, I am Currently in Photography 2 with my amazing teacher Ms. R who always pushes me to do better and gives me critiques on how to make my work better. I don't really enjoy shooting photography with specific photos in mind that you have to take because then I feel restricted in my abilities and can't express what I want to. I enjoy getting the close-up picture with some nice color, I feel like it adds a more dramatic effect, although something I have recently discovered a passion for is street photography. I love going out and photographing people on the streets and then being able to go back and look at them. Making most of them black and white helps create a good tone for the photo it makes it more dramatic and makes the observer more emotionally related to the subject.

  • I like to explore and express my creativity through photography, it gives an outlet to show how I'm feeling but with images instead of words.




Flower Tears