Inner Beauty

Yadriel G.

  • The piece was originally just going to be a practice of my skills. I had always wanted to paint something on larger canvases, so when I got one I decided to just go at it. I went through many ideas that I didn’t like, scrolling through my phone for inspiration, and I found a photo I took of myself just posing and all, and I thought “I look really good in this photo”, so I was my own muse in this particular piece. I also still wanted to explore and practice my artistic abilities so I added a few fun little elements here and there. As I continued painting the meaning just sort of revealed itself. I had a lot of fun making this piece, and I finally felt proud enough of my work to want to submit it. I was partially inspired by Mexican muralists and my favorite children’s books with this particular style. I felt it was soft on the eyes and maybe strangely comforting while accompanied with the subject of the painting.

  • Exploring and expressing my creativity brings me a sense of calm and stimulates my brain. Paint is my favorite medium and it is so flexible and forgiving and allows me to bring my imagination and ideas to life. It’s like a form of meditation. If I can’t speak my mind, I can always paint it.


Acceptance of Romanticization

