Inequity of Expression

Erebecca G.

  • This personal essay film was created as an expression of my journey to self understanding as a high schooler. I’ve been told many times throughout life to be careful of my words, to think before speaking. Not because I was unkind or inconsiderate but because I often let my emotions get the best of me. Throughout my time as a waterpolo player I grew as a leader and had to figure out how to use my voice to help my team. One day my coaches pulled me aside and shared input on how I could better connect with my team though words instead of letting my nagging pull us apart. This inspired me to think back on my journey to become this person comfortable with speaking out which in turn inspired this film. I struggled in adolescence with finding the balance of sharing. Unlike many who become introverts over fear of being judged or saying something that they may not have wanted to share I held the opposite issue, often overdoing my story and boring those around me. I’d attempt to hold conversations with my friends, having to push for more responses out of them as they got distracted on phones or simply replied “yes” or “no”. This wish for deeper connection shaped me. Through this video I hope to show how deeper bonding through words and actions is positive for all aspects of human society. This being a reflection of my thoughts and journey I wanted to incorporate a journaling aspect in the background while having pictures and videos of connection in the foreground. My journey includes a breaking point that I attempted to show replication of in this film, using past clips of myself compared to more current ones post climax. Overall this film shows my journey through collected clips, very few filmed specifically for the purpose of the film, that come together to express the necessity in finding those you can call your family.

  • Expressing my creativity allows for an outlet. A place for my emotions to go that doesn’t negatively affect myself or those around me. It is also a way for me to connect to some of my closest mentors that enjoy film and have taught me what I know.


The Woods


An Occurrence at Owl Airport