
Polina V.

  • As I was walking down the block around my neighborhood, I came across a bird, dead, on the sidewalk. A few steps away from this deceased creature walked an old man, hunched and ambling away. I was struck by the shocking sight of the fragility of life and nature. How is it that death might grasp something just around the corner? It made me think about the value of life and how it may slip between our fingers or blow past us like the wind in our hair, a breath exhaled. It reveals how we must appreciate the time we have and enjoy the life we were given, as it can be swept away so suddenly.

  • Expressing myself creatively allows me to communicate my emotions. Through my artistic expression, I'm able to spread messages that are important to me and express who I am. Creating pieces is a personal outlet that allows me to explore my thoughts and feelings in an imaginative way.


Amber Waterfall

