
Johann G.

  • This dragonfly flew into a pool while I was laying down. I scoop it gently out praying it was alive. it was, and it allowed me to move it to the sun, and seemed comfortable around me. I stayed next to it for a period of time and thought, then got my camera out and took this photo. I thought of when I was a kid and there was this dragonfly that would come to the same plant every day one summer around noon. I would come up close and look at its beauty, it didn't seem scared that I was there, it just lived. then one day I outside and noticed an orange glint on the surface of my pool. I went to take a closer look and saw the orange reflection of the dragonfly from the plant. I scooped it out, looking at the orange glow the light made on my hand from the wings. but it was lifeless. I thought about the glow on my hand from the wings and the way I felt so much for this bug that it had become almost a friend. I reminisced about the bug, and when I finally took out my camera, I saw again the glow of the wings. I positioned my camera and snapped the photo. I felt as if I had brought back to life the dragonfly from my childhood.

  • It allows me to clear my head and unwind while leaving me with a deeper understanding of the world around me. photography lets me attain a level of connection to the world around me that is hard to find anywhere else.


An Artist's Aura


The Progression of Life