Different Lives

Joseph H.

  • I wanted to capture the ongoing lives of many different people in front of the San Francisco Ferry Building, hence the name "Different Lives". In the glow of the setting sun, we can observe bikers making their way to the pier. We can see a skateboarder, perhaps showing off tricks to the crowd. A couple, enjoying the scenery. A grumpy kid, being told that he cannot run off. Many people are buying food and things at the tents lining the street. Maybe some of them are even from out of state or country, taking a souvenir with them to show the beauty of San Francisco. Regardless of their exact reason, they all have a unique story to tell. In our occupations travelling here and there, it is worth taking a moment to see the diversity that makes the Bay Area what it truly is.

  • Exploring and expressing my creativity allows me to both enhance the meaning of life and provide a magical escape from it. Animating my imagination helps me understand and deeply cherish the intricate beauty of nature, the depth of mankind, and the uncharted world of fantasy.



