
Skylar S.

  • This piece was very transformative for me because I realized the power of imperfection. I had always focused on portraying photos that were stereotypically "perfect". This meant drawing images that had no flaws and choosing to change any "mistakes" I saw in the photos.

    This photo made a huge impact on my artistic journey because it was the first time I drew an image for what it truly was. I didn't smooth out any wrinkles or tame the subject's unruly hair. Allowing myself to draw the reality of the image by work became so much more impactful. This small change of drawing what I saw as opposed to what I thought an image should look like, completely changed my perspective on not only art but my life. I realized the beauty in imperfection. The reality of the world is intended to be seen and appreciated rather than blurred and beautified.

  • I always lacked an outlet for my creativity. I doubted my own abilities time and time again but I soon realized that art did not need to be perfect. Once I allowed my art to be "ugly" it was much stronger. This allowance for freedom and creativity in my art has translated to all aspects of my life.




Underworld Trees