Code of Conduct
The one thing that really comes down about life to me right now is understanding the rules and boundaries of life. This includes many things : actions, friendships, love, family, social media, anxiety, school, future, etc. This piece of writing is a test, about a girl who is writing about the rules of life. The struggle of exploring herself and her feelings and emotions has all led us to wonder and struggle to see the person on the other side of the mirror. It shows and lets you feel the emotions and confusion that "her" is going through. Almost as if a schedule of daily life that shows the fight to follow a regulation on how to live that doesn't exist. It shows what happens when there are no rules. It shows what happens when negative thoughts and feelings stay behind while the light of life continues to move on. It's a peek into a life of a girl, a small speck of the feelings that she feels, the emotions that she holds, and the pressure that she bares. Perhaps there's no beginning, perhaps there's no end, no rules or regulations, and perhaps you can't judge and grade this piece of writing but maybe that's the answer. There may never be a conclusion because it's still the beginning of anything and everything. Thank you.
Words on paper come out easily to me. Not that my writing is necessarily good, but simply a necessity for me to be able to express myself. Writing helps me get things off my chest without opinions and pressure changing the way I look at life. The creativity of writing helps me stay true to myself.