Bird Barrel

Abby P.

  • My photography is reflective of California's surf culture from the waves to the interpersonal interactions. Surfing has been my escape and my favorite hobby from a young age, and it is an integral part of who I am. I wake up at 5:30 am before school to surf each morning, and bringing my camera along has added an additional creative practice to my day. After my surf session, I photograph other surfers and walk through the parking lot with my camera photographing the cultural side of the sport. My goal in creating this work is to show not only the challenging, physically demanding side of surfing but also the camaraderie and more intimate side of the sport. Surfers connect with each other on a unique level both in the line-up waiting for waves, and in the parking lot after surfing, and I aim to capture this through my photography. California is also home to some of the best waves in the world, and I have made it my mission to capture the beauty of our coast and the way surfers take advantage of it.

    My favorite photoshoot I have done was sitting under an umbrella, digitally photographing the surfers so dedicated to the sport that they are willing to surf in a rain storm. This is when I took the Bird Barrel image. This digital image captures an amazing wave at Ocean Beach on an overcast, rainy day. This image demonstrates the commitment that many members of the surfing community have to the sport and their drive to chase waves, even on days with less-than-ideal conditions. The birds captured in this image provide a unique composition, as they fly right above the breaking wave following in the line formation of the surf. The surfer coming out of the barrel is on a brightly colored board that pops out with the overcast weather and the blue and green colors of the ocean. Furthermore, the blue tones of the entire image give it a more somber mood, and the surfer brightens the mood with the yellowish board. I love this image's flow and the way the viewer's eye travels across the piece.

    My photography bridges both traditional surf photography and a more figurative form of surf photography, capturing all aspects of the sport. Pursuing photography has made me more in tune with the surfing community that I am so lucky to be a part of, and has helped me build connections that extend past surfing and into my everyday life. I am excited about the opportunity to share my work with the judges and share the beautiful coastline that I am lucky enough to call my home.

  • Taking photos gives me an outlet for escape. While driving hours to shoot for a project I am pursuing, or sitting under an umbrella capturing surfers at Mavericks during a storm, my photography gives me room to reflect. It is while shooting that I feel most comfortable with myself and my emotions.


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