At the end of the day

Vitor D.

  • I love using my camera to capture the natural beauty and free spirit of things in our world and one of the things I like to take pictures of is at the end of the day the sky is often very beautiful with 3 colors if complemented because of the sun going down. away along with that day. So I always like it when I'm in the car driving through beautiful skies like this I always take a picture so I took this one going to my house from San Rafael for Newbie and I thought that

    The photo turned out very good. I hope that my photograph shows how beautiful our world is in many ways along with the nature that leaves us dazzled with a simple closing of the day." The photo turned out very good. I hope that my photograph shows how beautiful our world is in many ways along with the nature that leaves us dazzled with a simple closing of the day.

  • It affects a lot in life in everything I do and I plan to do in the future so I see that the arts are very important in my life. I express my artistic side by taking pictures of the things I like like landscapes and nature, I also really like to create stories with the cinema art that I love so art.


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A Peelpable Feeling