A Peelpable Feeling

Anne O.

  • "A Peelpable Feeling"

    Haha, a great play on words.

    This image was constructed surrounded by the idea of vivid, photographic, surrealism. The glasses, both the wine glass and the whiskey glass, are in the perfect position to see the warm light shining through them. The wood grain is discernible because of the same light. The oranges and the postcard are bright pops of color against the white background. While the frame is quite shallow, the multiple focal points in the scene keeps your eye wondering.

  • Continuity of my creativity guides my life. My writing not only expresses how I feel, but it helps me to illustrate things that I may not be able to put a word to in conversation. Writing broadens my perspectives, combats my biases, and aids my navigation of knowledge.


At the end of the day

