A Little Room

Lindsey B.

  • Title: A Little Room

    Medium: cardboard scraps, felt scraps, clay, resin, acrylic paint, plastic scraps, and a variety of other scraps or trash.

    A Little Room is an approximately 1:34 millimeter scale model of my bedroom made of various scrap materials. The project was made to reflect how a person can be seen inside their room, how one's room is made up of pieces of oneself. One’s personality, one’s past, one’s hopes for the future can be seen melded in each and every knickknack on the shelf, every decoration on the wall, and every crumpled pillow on the bed. In quarantine I became intimately familiar with my room, knowing it as closely as I know the wrinkles on my face when I smile. I wanted to capture and share the vulnerable and personal experience that is to walk freely into my room. To see every unshielded detail of my life in its presentation and to know me as closely as that little room does. Everything in the model is an exact replica of my room, no detail is left out, every drawer is functional, every bin is filled, and every shelf is covered in a mini version of the real life objects I own. I share with you myself, in all my messy glory, without you ever seeing me at all.

  • Exploring my creativity allows me to think about and be comfortable in my own identity. Creative expression is an outlet, sometimes feelings are weird and hard but being able to make something hands-on with them gives those abstract and personal ideas a tangible and engaging purpose outward.


Self Portrait


The Visionary