Will You Hear Me?

Macie P.

  • I am naturally a quiet and introverted person who can be more sensitive to noise than most. Sometimes I feel as if my needs are ignored because I don't make the biggest, showy-est production of them. This collection of poems is inspired by my experiences and double as entreaties for those who may not as of yet how their actions affect others like me. The first poem in the collection, entitled "Listen", is about slowing down from our busy lifestyles to reconnect with nature and our inner selves. "Noise Pollution" was originally written in anger as I was annoyed with my class for having loud, off-topic conversations while I was trying to work. As I've refined it, it has come to be a more personal exploration and is now meant to create empathy instead of express my ire. In "Noise Pollution" I found a silent voice to stand up for myself in a way I wouldn't have been able to do out loud. By infusing the piece with my own, almost hourly, frustrations, I hope to transport readers into my shoes for a minute and inspire a little bit of understanding. The conversations that affect me the most are the ones where the participants talk simply because they want to hear their own voice or input their own opinions, not because they want to enrich or connect with others. "Little Questions" is from my perspective as I try to have quality, meaningful conversations with people I care about. I felt it was an important part of this collection to illustrate that I am not against talking as a rule. I actually do enjoy hearing people's thoughts and opinions because that is information that can only come from one source, but I believe that there are steps that must be taken to keep talking the amazing and versatile tool it is. This requires a little bit of selflessness and maturity as it involves being attuned to the body language and needs of others and knowing when to put those before your own. The deepest and strongest friendships are built on worthwhile conversations that are interesting and pleasing to both parties and "Little Questions" is not only a question in itself, it is also an ode of gratitude to my dear friends and family who actually enjoy hearing me talk. All in all, I want my audience to listen to each other, be a little more conscious of their noise pollution, and ask little questions to make sure that their conversations are mutually beneficial and constructive.

  • As a writer, I love that what I do is something no one else can. The people, places, and plots in my brain are singular and unique and I adore the ability to bring people with me to worlds only I could go to otherwise. To me, creativity is being able to share my soul and make the best kind of magic.


deeper than skin


Time, the Villain we all Know and (Struggle to) Love.