
Nandini D.

  • As the technology progresses in our lives, it becomes more and more immersive and probably invasive. With the advent of virtual, augmented and shared realities, the boundaries of real life interactions and virtual interactions are blurring to the extent that one day we may not be able to clearly distinguish one from the other.

    In the immersive virtual world, we can choose our world to appear as we want it to be with no adverse interactions, unfavorable conditions and everyone who we (virtually) interact with act and behave as we want them to.

    This is very close to the Utopian dream that a lot of thinkers have been imagining about. But is it really?

  • Creativity in writing is a way of reflecting my personality through the characters and expressing my ideas through a detailed story. Being creative means being able to put the ideas in my head into words that form a story everyone can experience and enjoy, regardless of who they are.


The Mystery Treasure


Piano Growth: Touch The Keys and Fly