
Lee K.

  • This was the first time I created an art piece out of pure emotion. I was experiencing a lot of feelings and, for the first time, I felt the need to put those emotions into art. I normally put my feelings into writing. I have been struggling a lot with questioning my gender, which is where these emotions came from. I don’t have a consistent art style, I have multiple styles. The process I used was to first think of the words I want to implement into the art piece. I just wrote random things that I was thinking about. Then I did a self-portrait of myself in the background. I finished off the piece with a pink ball point pen to create a background. I have always been terrible at backgrounds so more recently I’ve just been making them really abstract in order to fill the empty space and neatly emphasize the main subject. At the beginning, I was embarrassed to show this piece to others, but I have become very proud of it.

  • I believe true creativity is being honest with oneself. Be honest with what's on your mind and what you are feeling, this way, you can make something pure.


3 Golden Twins


Ford Cobra Teapot