The Last Thread

Lauren D.

  • The Last Thread is a microfiction story that I wrote in my Creative Writing class. Our project required us to use a chosen word and action, and keep it within one hundred words. As I began brainstorming ideas for my piece, the current news in Afghanistan kept coming back to me. At the time, the Taliban had taken over Kabul, the country’s capital, and were controlling the government; they were pulling young girls out of school, preventing women from attending work, and overall discouraging the education of women in general. Using emotion to fuel my writing, I poured my anger and concern into this microfiction piece. The story portrays a simple yet impactful scene of a little girl in Afghanistan learning to read. Although I wrote this piece for my class, it’s purpose exceeds the boundaries of just turning in an assignment. I wrote The Last Thread in hopes that I could educate an audience through just a few words. In fact, when titling my piece, I decided that the “last thread” would not only mean that my character was literally using her last thread, but also figuratively represent the dying hopes of the citizens in Afghanistan. The Last Thread is a looking glass into the world of gender inequality, and touches on emotions like panic and paranoia. I hope that my piece gathers sympathy and awareness from my audience, and lights a fire of aspiration in my female readers.

  • To me, creativity means to communicate your emotions in a way that portrays them best. Creativity means putting your heart and soul into something that can represent a piece, if not a whole, of who you are. Creativity is sometimes the only way for people to put their feelings out in the open.


And So She Wept


3 poems