Intermezzo, Symphonie Espagnole by E. Lalo

Dheyan L.

  • When learning any new piece, I first analyze the general shape of the piece to get an idea of how it was intended to be played. Close reading will also reveal the technically difficult sections of a piece.

    Once the technical work and basic shape of the piece have been committed, I then move on to phrasing and expression, and determine how I wish to characterize certain spots. This is the area of greatest artistic freedom, because I can make a phrase or even a note sound the way I wish. Sometimes initial decisions may change with musical discovery, making the creative process ever-evolving, and fun!

    The artistic process when mastering a piece is sometimes a months-long or even a year-long process, as each delivery can be different, depending on the emotions I feel then and wish to evoke. There is a great sense of musical satisfaction in performing a piece when all the different components come together during a performance.

    This piece: Intermezzo in Symphonie Espagnole by Lalo, was the first time I had attempted to play Lalo. Over the months I took to prepare for this piece, I felt that I grew musically with the mental and physical energy needed to execute the technical runs, and to sustain the passionate energy throughout.

    I hope you enjoy.

  • Creativity means the process of creating something new and original, that is based on one’s own ideas. As a musician, creativity is about provoking an emotional response through my performance, and being able to share the love of music with others.


Moanin' by A. Blakely, made famous by C. Mingus


Imagine by J. Lennon