Sincerely, Him

Daniela C.

  • I wrote this piece to describe what might go on in someone's head when they are contacting the devil. I did hours of research trying to get the references and religious allegories right, and I am very proud of how it turned out in the end. I, myself, am currently not religious nor have I ever been. So everything I wrote about was thoroughly researched and approved by some of my Christian/Catholic friends. I wanted to create, or recreate the feeling of discomfort and like someone is watching you when I wrote this. My goal was to make the reader feel a sense of unease. Even re-reading it, I think certain parts stand out as accomplishing that as well as leaving the reader with a sense of shock or even horror.

    I am very proud of this piece, and I think I will continue to be proud of it.

  • Creativity always has been the only thing I pride myself on. Ever since I was little I have been able to call upon my creativity to allow me to do anything, because I've always had a lot of it. Not only that, but it is an extension of myself and how I am able to express myself. It makes me happy.



